sábado, 19 de junio de 2010


Dear Immigration Reformer,

We know that you’re committed to this fight. And the hard work you’ve done is what’s gotten our movement this far. The events you’ve attended, the faxes you’ve sent, the phone calls you’ve made, and everything else you’ve done for the 11 million undocumented immigrants living in America today have made a difference.

But this issue is even bigger than all of us put together. All of us know people who haven't taken a side in the fight for comprehensive immigration reform. Maybe they’re friends or coworkers. Maybe they’re neighbors. They might even be family members. Showing them why this fight matters is vital to our movement's success.

All summer long, we’ll be sharing stories with you of people all across the country who need comprehensive immigration reform for themselves, their families, their businesses, and their communities. And we want to hear about your story, and why you’re in this fight.

Let me tell you about Liz, a woman who grew up in California whose story shows why we need to fix our broken system:

My dad [was] a permanent U.S. resident. But what he didn’t know was that under a new 1996 immigration law passed in Congress, an immigrant could be deported regardless of when [a] crime was committed, what type of crime was committed, and if time was served. In the wee hours of the morning my dad was handcuffed in front of my brother and taken away by agents leaving my brother alone, crying, and confused...
You can read the rest of Liz’s story on our blog. You can also use her story, and the other stories we’ll be sharing with you in the weeks and months to come, to start conversations with the people you know. Let them know that there are millions of people just like Liz, who suffer every day under our broken system. We’re fighting for immigration reform because we know that those families and those people need justice.

Thank you,
Marissa Graciosa
Reform Immigration FOR America

Maclovia Perez
Coordinadora Red de Peruanos en Utah
Corresponsal Red Democratica del Peru

Archivo del blog
