sábado, 19 de junio de 2010


You're Invited:

Global Democracy:
The Struggle for Political and Civil Rights in the 21st Century

Meet the Author, Didier Jacobs
June 30, 2010, 5:30pm
United Nations Foundation: 801 2nd Ave.

Realpolitik is in flux as the US hyperpower gives way to a multipolar world. Developing countries flex their muscles at multilateral negotiation tables. One outcome is stalemate on major issues like climate change or trade, despite the urgent need for global solutions to global problems. The world has never been more at peace than today. But the future is filled with uncertainty. How will global governance evolve in the 21st century?

Join Didier Jacobs (Oxfam America) for a talk about his book: Global Democracy: The Struggle for Political and Civil Rights in the 21st Century.

The book's bumper sticker version is: "One person, one vote" for global policy! This slogan is underpinned by a rigorous analytical framework allowing to better understand long-term trends in global governance as well as appreciating current debates on trade or financial regulation, climate change or human rights etc.

Centuries of experience have shown that majority voting with universal suffrage (one person, one vote) is the best way to make public decisions at the national level. It becomes increasingly needed at the global level.

Date: June 30

Time: 5.30-6.30pm.

Wine and cheese served!

Venue: United Nations Foundation
801 Second Ave
Suite 1300
New York, NY 10017

Contact: Didier Jacobs (djacobs@oxfamamerica.org or 857-241.7918)


Citizens for Global Solutions 418 7th Street SE Washington DC 20003
Tel: 202-546-3950 Web: globalsolutions.org

Maclovia Perez
Coordinadora Red de Peruanos en Utah
Corresponsal Red Democratica del Peru

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