Dear Maclovia,
It’s been three weeks since I spent twenty-four hours in Maricopa County Jail. And now that I have had plenty of time to reflect on the experience, two things have become very clear to me. The first, Arizona is not alone. The amount of support individuals just like you have shown has been astounding. Over 20,000 people across the country have signed our declaration! If that is not a clear sign that Americans do NOT support SB1070, I don’t know what is.
Arizona is clearly a battleground and at times it might be easy to feel like the battle is too difficult to win but I have had the pleasure of working with young leaders who are leading the efforts on the ground and have been inspired and assured by their talent and passion. People like Angel Sanchez who wake up every morning in Tucson thinking and strategizing about the next move. Working for our sister organization Democracia U.S.A., Angel has helped register over 5,000 new Hispanic voters. It’s this type of work that will help change the political landscape in Arizona.
With nearly half of the states in the US considering legislation similar to SB 1070, now is the time to redouble our efforts before it becomes endemic. We need to be vigilant and proactive and that is why Democracia is currently working on a campaign that will not only monitor these ‘copy cat’ laws, but also empower you with the information and action steps you need to prevent legislation like this from coming to your own communities.
We want to continue to support Angel and others like him but the reality is we need your help. Can you help today with a small contribution of $5, $10 or $25? Your support will enable Democracia and young leaders like Angel to continue the work we do both in Arizona and across the country. We can’t do it without you.
Thanks again for the support and ADELANTE!
Jorge Mursuli
President & Executive Director
Coordinadora Red de Peruanos en Utah
Corresponsal Red Democratica del Peru