viernes, 7 de enero de 2011


For 103,000 Americans in December, the New Year will be more promising than the year before.

And, while the unemployment rate fell to 9.4%, it’s clear that for millions of unemployed and underemployed Americans, the economic recovery has not yet caught up to them and likely will not for a long, long time.

There is good news, though.

As a result of the pressure brought upon the Administration and Democrats in Congress, the extension of the Bush Tax Cuts will lead to further economic growth and job creation in the New Year as employers now have a clearer sense of stability and certainty as it relates to taxes.

And, if the GOP House of Representatives can keep the focus on reducing the debt, slashing the deficit and eliminating wasteful spending and reducing the growth of government, even more positive economic progress should emerge.

When all is said and done, for millions of Americans who gets credit for restoring economic growth and job creation is of no interest to them.  What they do care about is paying their bills, staying in their homes and providing for their families during what have been extraordinarily difficult times.

Over the course of the next few weeks, President Obama will continue to announce significant changes to his Administration.  A clear recognition that his policies have been largely rejected by the American people.

The addition of a new “business friendly” Chief of Staff and perceived “moderates” in his Administration should be somewhat encouraging to all Americans who are weary of his liberal tendencies and his liberal aides and supporters, whose solution to all that ails us is to spend more of our money on their programs.

But, a tiger that changes its stripes is still a tiger.  We should judge the President and his Administration over the next two years not on whether or not he says the right things about jobs, the economy and slashing the burden of debt – or whether he puts moderates into new positions within his Administration.

We should judge him on whether he takes their advice and changes course from his policies of wasteful spending, excessive government growth and job-and economic-recovery killing policies – and focuses on putting Americans back to work.

Maclovia Perez
Coordinadora Red de Peruanos en Utah*USA*
Corresponsal Red Democratica del Peru

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