martes, 8 de febrero de 2011


Dear Community:
            Please do whatever you can by 3 p.m. WEDNESDAY, February 9, to oppose HB 70 - Illegal Immigration Enforcement Act, which is modeled after Arizona’s anti-illegal immigration law.

1) You can GO to the hearing:
            Rep. Sandstrom's Illegal Immigration Enforcement Act, HB70, will be discussed at the House Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee at 4 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 9, at the House Building (the west side building), Room 25, at the Utah Capitol.
            We need as many people as possible to attend this meeting! Please by there by 3:30 p.m.!

2) You can CONTACT your legislators and the House Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee. Send them a short email about why you oppose HB 70. Tell them to VOTE NO!
BELOW are talking points about HB 70 you can use.
* Committee Chairman Rep. Curtis Oda, Email:
Home Phone: 801-773-9796, Cell Phone: 801-725-0277
* Committee Vice Chair Rep. Richard A. Greenwood, Email:
Home Phone: 801-985-3280, Cell Phone: 801-452-3113
* Rep. Patrice M. Arent, Email:
Home Phone: 801-272-1956, Work Phone: 801-326-1515, Cell Phone: 801-930-0836
* Rep. David G. Butterfield, Email:
Cell Phone: 435-363-5239
* Rep. Steve Eliason, Email:
Cell Phone: 801-300-9844
* Rep. Keith Grover, Email:
Cell Phone: 801-319-0170
* Rep. Gregory H. Hughes, Email:
Home Phone: 801-572-5305, Work Phone: 801-548-2922
* Rep. Don L. Ipson, Email:
Home Phone: 435-673-8216, Work Phone: 435-674-6301
* Rep. David Litvak, Email:
Home Phone: 801-596-0187, Cell Phone: 801-792-7172
* Rep. Lee B. Perry, Email:
Home Phone: 435-734-2864, Cell Phone: 435-720-7838
* Rep. Jennifer M. Seelig, Email:
Home Phone: 801-519-2544, Work Phone: 801-924-9892
* Rep. Carl Wimmer, Email:
Cell Phone: 801-903-0174
* Rep. Bill Wright, Email:
Home Phone: 435-864-4887, Work Phone: 435-864-5970, Cell Phone: 801-404-7066

3) You can use these talking points to oppose HB 70 - Illegal Immigration Enforcement Act:

Bill Summary
HB 70, Illegal Immigration Enforcement Act, is modeled after Arizona’s anti-illegal immigration law. It would:
• Allow officers to verify the immigration status of a detained or arrested person upon reasonable suspicion the person is an illegal alien;
• Require verification of immigration status regarding application for public services, benefits, or licenses provided by a state or local government agency or subcontractor;
• Amend peace officer arrest authority to include making an arrest when the officer has reasonable cause to believe the person is an alien: subject to an immigration removal order or charged with a felony; and
• Allow legal residents to, after establishing standing, bring action against an agency that limits enforcement of federal immigration laws and impose financial penalties for violation.

HB 70 would:• It could cost local governments in excess of $11 million.  Some law enforcement heads say they already have tight budgets and the law would create “burdensome and costly” mandates.
• A sense of fear among our immigrant and refugee families, who may not feel safe contacting law enforcement if they are a victim or witness of a crime.
• The possibility of racial profiling.  People of color will be the first to be questioned about their U.S. documentation status since the majority of undocumented immigrants are Latinos.
• Distrust of public service workers who work to keep people and our communities healthy.  Immigrants and refugees might not seek public and/or health services because they are afraid they will be deported or get in trouble with the law.
• A disincentive for some companies to either hold conventions in or move their business to Utah. Arizona has reported a decline in convention bookings and some conventions pulled out after the passage of their law.
• Unnecessary lawsuits which will be a cost to the state and local government if citizens believe the law is not being enforced.
• New costs to the State and local government if individuals are prosecuted for not carrying papers.

Maclovia Perez
Fundadora,Coordinadora Red de Peruanos en Utah*USA*
Corresponsal Red Democratica del Peru
Por una política exterior democrática en el Perú

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