Click here to contribute to the DREAM Summer program |
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DREAMers led our movement in winning our biggest victory in 25 years—protecting over a million young people from deportation with the deferred action policy! In this holiday season, America’s Voice Education Fund wants to say thank you to these inspiring leaders.
An innovative program called “DREAM Summer” offers DREAMers a summer-long internship at a social justice organization, advanced leadership training and a $5,000 stipend that they can use for college tuition.
Every penny of your tax-deductible gift will go directly to a DREAMer. It’s the perfect way to say thank you to DREAM leaders who have dedicated everything they have (most often working as unpaid volunteers because of their immigration status) to our movement for change.
Over one thousand students from across the country applied to DREAM Summer last year for just 150 spots. We want to help four more students take part this year.
Deferred action in hand, DREAMers are poised to become the next generation of professional movement leaders. Your investment will help them begin careers in social justice which will pay dividends to all of us for years to come.
--Adam, Matt, Van, Patty, Mahwish, Kristin and the entire America’s Voice Education Fund team
P.S. Remember, your holiday gift to DREAMers is entirely tax-deductible. Please contribute for yourself or on behalf of someone you love today.
Maclovia Perez
Fundadora,Coordinadora Red de Peruanos en Utah*USA*
Corresponsal Red Democratica del Peru
Por una política exterior democrática en el Perú