It's game time - you ready to rumble?
Reports have just come out in the last hour that next Tuesday, the President will call on Congress to create a roadmap to citizenship for immigrants without papers. Reports are also coming out that a bipartisan group of Senators may release their immigration plans too.
For weeks, you and our movement for change have demanded that the President clearly say that a straightforward roadmap to citizenship is an essential centerpiece of any immigration reform he would sign into law. If these reports are accurate, he plans to do that next week!
Here's why this is important. Under the name of "immigration reform," some Senators like Florida's Marco Rubio are peddling their own plans to make the road to citizenship nearly impossible, while others like Rep. Raul Labrador would bar immigrants without papers from citizenship for life.
In Washington, bad ideas like these can take on a life of their own unless they are shut down early. That's why we've needed the President to exert his leadership and do just that.
If the last four years have taught us anything, it's that it's our job to hold politicians of both parties accountable. It looks like the President will finally take ownership of our position. But make no mistake, we will be watching closely to be sure that he and Members of Congress from both parties put politics aside and get to work.
I'll let you know if I hear anything more and please share any info you hear with me.
Thanks for all you've done and all that you'll continue to do!
Adam Luna
America's Voice Education Fund
Thanks for all you've done and all that you'll continue to do!
Adam Luna
America's Voice Education Fund
Maclovia Perez
Fundadora,Coordinadora Red de Peruanos en Utah*USA*
Corresponsal Red Democratica del Peru
Por una política exterior democrática en el Perú