Dear Maclovia, Thank you for stepping up to support the transgender community. We are grateful to the members of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee! HB 302 will not move forward. Today, Utah has again demonstrated that when it comes to protecting all children, we are on the same team. We are also grateful to both Governor Spencer Cox and Lt. Governor Deidre Henderson for their calm guidance. They are true peacemakers who care for LGBTQ kids. Thank you for helping us navigate this challenging debate. We have now had several meetings with Rep. Birkeland. I do not see her as an enemy, nor even as a member of an opposing team. She is a fierce champion for girls’ sports. I hope that we will always match her passion as we advocate for LGBTQ kids. My hope is that we can work with Rep. Birkeland in the future to ensure fairness for all of Utah’s incredible student-athletes. MVPs: I’m grateful to everyone who wrote op-eds or called, texted and met with lawmakers on this issue. I want to give a special shout out to Sue Robbins from the Equality Utah Transgender Advisory Council, Candice Metzler, the ED of Transgender Education Advocates of Utah, Marina Lowe from the ACLU of Utah, Shannon Minter from NCLR, Dr. Nikki Mihaloupolos and Dr. Jenn Plumb from Primary Children’s, Sunny Washington and Elizabeth Converse from Silicon Slopes Commons, SLC Council Member Chris Wharton, Kate Charipar from University of Utah, Carrie Butler and finally, Professor Clifford Rosky from the University of Utah. They were on the field every day with us during this legislative season. To Transgender Youth: You have so many allies. There were so many people lobbying on your behalf, sometimes loud and sometimes behind the scenes; parents, businesses, mayors, city councilmembers, students, attorneys, teachers, administrators, faith leaders, universities, private schools, sports fans, sports teams and lawmakers from both parties. You are loved so much. Now that’s teamwork. Thank you all.  Troy Williams Executive Director

Maclovia Perez
Fundadora,Directora General
Red de Peruanos en Utah*USA*
Corresponsal Red Democratica del Peru
Por una política exterior democrática en el Perú